Building Tomorrow´s Mediterranean AgriFood Ecosystems

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Smarterra starts in the South of Italy and will inspire more regions around the world.

Smarterra is all about improving today's food system for health and sustainability.

The Consortium

The Smarterra manifesto

Smarterra is all about improving today’s food system in the direction of health and sustainability through the help of the inherent power of local food ecosystems empowered by leading science, technology and entrepreneurship. Smarterra hubs work by identifying strategic opportunities based on what already is there and then works on empowering those opportunities. A Smarterra hub has its own, distinct logic. A Smarterra hub is relentless in its strive for relevance.


A Smarterra hub could be a country but a better fit is a region or a specific place. The Smarterra hub unites all relevant parties around common understanding, shared insights and strategic directions. Smarterra hubs put an outsized focus on engaging all relevant parties and making the ecosystem work for everyone. 


By replicating well-functioning frameworks to various regions with varied underlying strengths Smarterra hubs make it possible to scale while respecting variety. 

10 Guidelines for Smarterra

1.    Smarterra produces food that leads to health and sustainability

2.    Smarterra is based on a deeply held respect for nature, local biodiversity and an ambition to regenerate it

3.     In Smarterra ecosystems people work together in order to achieve common goals

4.     Smarterra ecosystems understand that no time in history is ideal and that we need to continuously develop in a positive direction, based on scientific development and new insights

5.     Smarterra ecosystems are based on the realization that change might come from unexpected directions and should be sought-out with an open mind

6.     Smarterra ecosystems build on local key competitive advantages and fuse them with innovations, thinking and technology from everywhere in order to develop individuals, society and business. 

7.     Smarterra ecosystems sees itself as a hub amongst other, connected Smarterra hubs

8.     All participants in a Smarterra ecosystem are respected for their specific contributions 

9.    Smarterra Ecosystems are based on the realization that equitability is key to develop a long-term strong and self-reliant ecosystem

10.  In Smarterra ecosystems the ones hurt by developments for the common good are respected and get help to transition

Take Action

Call for Participation

Are you an Innovation Stakeholder or SME in the Mediterranean agrifood sector? Join Smarterra's Capacity Building Program and unlock numerous benefits! First deadline 21 July 2024, EOD

Learn more about it

This project perfectly aligns with our mission to take the Nordic approach to entrepreneurship abroad and help other ecosystems adapt and develop their own methods based on well-tested best practices.

— Mirwais Fedai, Head of Projects, TechBBQ

Smart Agriculture & Food Innovation Ecosystem


The Smarterra activities are funded under the project SMart Agriculture & Food INnovation Ecosystem (SMAFINE) funded by the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101114215.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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